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Thought Leadership in Personal Injury

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When wage loss doesn’t seem to add up

Past and future wage loss. What was and would have been versus what is and will be. Significant wage loss can drive case value. In a best-case scenario, your seriously injured client is a high-wage earner with indisputable wage loss. But how often is wage loss more nuanced? When wage loss is not crystal clear, it’s time to scrutinize the details.

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I feel your pain: the Gerry Spence method taken over the top

On Thursday, May 3, I met with Ms. B___ and her daughter. Ms. B___’s arm, specifically her radius, was shattered when she took a bad fall. Surgery, a plate, ten screws. I took notes as she told me how she could not work at the hospital for now and how difficult it was to care of herself. On Friday, May 4, I had a court appearance in Redwood City.

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The Stoic

The lawyers sat there, stunned. The doctor sat across from them, giving the couple time to absorb the information. Their three-year-old daughter’s cough and fever? Not pneumonia. Cancer. A tumor. A big one, crushing the little girl’s right lung. Rare – a few hundred reported cases. And tough odds. Chemo, a surgery, more chemo. A year-long process and the hope that it doesn’t recur… because recurrence with the particular cancer does not end well.

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3.4 Deserve’s got nothing to do with it

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The lawyer sat with his unhappy client at mediation. The defense’s final offer: generous in light of trial’s risks. But the client was not pleased. “After costs and your attorney’s fees, and that medical lien thing you were talking about, there’s not enough to take care of me. I need more!” The lawyer started explaining the significant risks trial posed...
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11.4 Land Wars in Asia: Discovery battles – the most classic of blunders

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You have the product liability case of a lifetime. The Complaint’s been filed. The Answer is in. Discovery time. You sit down and craft a discovery plan. Fine-tuned. Perfection. You send it out and receive – blanket objections. The litigation world’s joyous middle finger equivalent. Steaming, you decide you will crush them. You begin banging out a meet and confer...
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12.5 The Code War: The international classification of diseases and why you should care about a big change on the horizon

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Coming soon to a courtroom near you: “Mr. Expert, can you tell us what upcoding is and whether you found it in Dr. Smith’s billing for treating the plaintiff?” the defense lawyer asked her medical coding expert. “Upcoding is an industry term. We sometimes see doctors use more expensive billing codes, known as ICD codes. Billing can be nuanced. Many...
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3.2 A death in the family

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Subtitle: Caring for your clients—the blessings and the burdens Recently, I lost three former clients. They passed in separate ways, unrelated to their cases. One, stabbed in an alley, lay moaning for hours before he died. The neighbors ignored him, thinking he was a homeless drunk. Another stood at a bus stop with his girlfriend. A car drove by and...
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