Case type: Car versus bicycle
Facts: A cook was riding his bicycle home late at night after a shift. A car pulled around the cook and then stopped short directly in front of him. As a result, the cook’s arm went through the car’s back window, deeply cutting the cook’s arm. The cook’s injuries required extensive stitching. The cook returned to work and did not contemplate taking any action until he received threatening letters from the driver’s insurance company, demanding the cook pay thousands in property damage for the damage to the car. Being Spanish-speaking without much formal education, the cook spoke to his employer, who connected him with Coopers LLP.

Prosecuting attorney Bryan Vix
Legal strategy: In light of the abusive letters from the insurance company, Coopers lawyers reported the insurance company to California’s Department of Insurance. Coopers also filed suit against the driver, alleging the driver’s decision to pass the cyclist and then brake in front of the cyclist caused the incident.
Outcome: The insurance company dropped its property damage reimbursement claim and paid a confidential amount to the cook.
Prosecuting attorney: Bryan Vix
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Coopers LLP has lawyers licensed in California, Oregon, and Washington State, and can affiliate with local counsel on matters where Coopers can make the difference.