Everyone’s talking about artificial intelligence. There’s a reason why: The impact upon our profession cannot be understated. There are those reading this (or even writing this) who can recall when typewriters dominated the workplace. Those who then embraced word processors increased their capacity dramatically. Similarly, some of us date back to an era when the internet’s connectivity was a figment of DARPA’s imagination. Now imagine trying to practice without the productivity (and distractions) instant connectivity brings.
With past as prologue, we can only imagine the force multiplier effect AI will have on the practices that embrace it. We discuss AI in our Practice Pointer session. We’ve also been presenting on it for various legal organizations the past few months.
Technology also featured in our recent casework. By working with an accident reconstructionist and a talented animation team, we were able to visually demonstrate why the driver had nearly 10 seconds to see and avoid our client.
Finally, we check in quickly with a couple newly-minted attorneys. We love our community, our colleagues, and our work, and we enjoy sharing what we’re working on with you. If there are any cases or issues you think we can provide some input on or help with, please reach out — until (and even after) our robot overlords decide if we’re still relevant enough to be consulted.
Happy hunting,
Miles B. Cooper, Maryanne B. Cooper, and everyone at Coopers LLP
Coopers LLP helps seriously injured people and accepts referrals and co-counsel opportunities from lawyers. We excel in strategizing. Have a matter you’d like to brainstorm? Contact us at (415) 434-2111 or info@coopers.law.
Coopers LLP has lawyers licensed in California, Oregon, and Washington State, and can affiliate with local counsel on matters where Coopers can make the difference.