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- Category: Back to Coopers’ Code index
- 1.19: Collaboration, mentoring, and firm culture in various work environments
- 11.11 Site specific inspection plan
- 13.7 Hardheaded
- 15.9 Show me the money
- 21.8 Do great things
- 8.4 Federated states
- 14.3 Argue your position
- 1.9 Allied powers
- 1.1.18 As the dust settles
- 17.18 Exhibiting behavior
- 11.10 Show me what you got
- 15.5.6 Joint and several mediation
- 17.17 The show must go on
- 17.16 Jury research
- 17.15 Opening up
- 21.7 Target acquired
- 1.8 Learner’s permit
- 1.1.17 Righteous!
- 20.4 Boxing day
- 1.1.16 Managing expectations
- 7.2 Demanding times
- 17.6.4 Entirely Impartial
- 1.1.15 Work The Room
- 20.3 Lien Times
- 1.1.14 Efficiency Unit
- 15.5.5 First Dance
- 4.5 Road Rage
- 1.1.13 Retreat!
- 5.8 e-xhilarating
- 3.7 One crash two crash, red crash blue crash
- 11.9 Interrogation room
- 1.3.3 Walking, fast and slow
- 14.1 Motion to pass
- 1.1.12 Growth plan
- 5.9 Let the sunshine in
- 1.1.11 Value proposition
- 11.7 Production line
- 2.6 When is a door not a door?
- 8.1 Discovery Process
- 15.6 Settle Up
- 4.2 Compensating For Something
- 1.4.3 Asking For A Friend
- 5.7 Give Me A Break
- 20.2 This Is The End
- 7.1 Pre-Party
- 11.6 Admit Nothing
- 15.5.3 Settle In
- 1.7 Strained Relationships
- 21.5 Future Shock
- 17.6.1 Selective Service
- 1.1.7 Enough Stuart Smalley
- 1.1.10 Going Viral
- 5.6 Don’t Lose Focus
- 1.3.2 Sure Footing
- 11.8.2 The Know Nothing Party
- 1.6 The Lion In Winter
- 15.3 An Important Asset
- 1.4.2 Pandora’s Box
- 17.14 The Verdict
- 1.1.4 Squared Away
- 3.1 I Am The Business…
- 17.5 Prime Time
- 2.1 First Impressions
- 17.6.3 Questionnaire Questioner
- 21.6 Personal Jurisdiction
- 21.4 The Man Comes Around
- 1.1.3 That’s Deep…
- 11.8.1 Objection!
- 13.5 Publish And Perish
- 19.1 How Appealing
- 15.4 Take It To The Limit
- 12.2 Brain Drain
- 12.3 Wage War
- 17.1 Staff Privileges
- 13.6 Expert Examination
- 8.2 Complaint Department
- 1.3.1 Decisions, Decisions, Decisions…
- I Am Not My Smartphone
- 2.5 Lawyers Who Lunch
- 3.6 Party Bus
- 16.1 The Watcher
- 5.5 It’s For My Glaucoma…
- 11.2 Self-Discovery
- 4.1 A Brush With Death
- 15.5.4 Mediator, Go Work Your Magic
- 5.4 Ride Sharing And Strava
- 16.10 The Prepared Witness
- 17.6.2 Selection Criteria
- 13.4 Okay, Now Cough
- 9.1 Whippersnappers
- 20.1 A Minor Compromise
- 12.7 Out of character
- 21.2 The Stoic
- 6.2 Pave The Planet
- 4.4 That’s Not Our Policy
- 5.3 Reporting for Duty
- 15.5.2 Pick A Winner
- 15.8 The Road More Traveled
- 14.2 Don’t Throw Me In The Briar Patch!
- 5.2 I’ve Got A CACI Jones
- 1.2.2 A Brief Word…
- 2.4 Rationally Irrational
- 16.4 So This Is What The Courthouse Looks Like
- 6.1 Not On The Roster
- 1.4.1 I got 99 bottles but a beer ain’t one
- Have laptop – will travel
- 11.1 The exhibit’s the thing…
- 15.5.1 Avoid the green ones – they’re not ripe yet: Mediations are all about timing
- 1.1.8 Sudden emergency: Handling illness, injury, or time away from your practice
- 2.3 MIST me: Litigating the Minor Impact Soft Tissue case
- 3.5 The tweet’s the thing… Helping clients who are too social on social media
- 17.12 Portions of this trial were previously recorded: Using video depositions at trial
- 17.11.2 The right cross: Conduct a precise cross-examination using visuals
- 12.6 A Child’s Eyes
- 17.7 Anatomically correct: Teaching the injuries to those in juries
- 16.9 Duty calls: Jury service – a learning opportunity
- 11.5 Read it and weep: Inadvertent disclosure of privileged documents during discovery
- 16.8 Under Pressure: Managing back to back to back trials as a small firm practitioner
- 16.7 Chance favors the prepared
- 8.3 Naming rights: Finding and naming the proper entities in a premises case
- 16.6 One day, one trial: Expedited jury trials- an underutilized tool
- 3.4 Deserve’s got nothing to do with it
- 13.2 Treat them right: The joys and pitfalls of treating doctors
- 16.5 Order out of chaos: The strategy and skills behind witness order and scheduling at trial
- 1.1.9 Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes: How to effect a successful practice transition
- 3.3 All in the Family: “Can you help me with a quick legal question?”
- 11.4 Land Wars in Asia: Discovery battles – the most classic of blunders
- 12.5 The Code War: The international classification of diseases and why you should care about a big change on the horizon
- 3.2 A death in the family
- 16.3 The ministry of culture
- 5.1 The map is not the territory
- 4.3 Make them an offer they CAN refuse (in bad faith)
- It’s all relative
- 1.5 The people on the bus
- 13.1 An expert is born
- 17.4 Very superstitious
- 17.2 Department Zero Dark Thirty
- 11.3 The document speaks for itself (but does it say too much?)
- 21.3 Who moved my typewriter?
- 15.7 Help them keep their settlement
- 15.2 Show and tell: Up until trial, the adjuster and defense lawyer are your jurors
- 16.2 I dialed 911 a long time ago: Ways to avoid the compromise defense verdict
- 12.1 I feel your pain: the Gerry Spence method taken over the top
- 1.1.1 An ounce of protection: insure your future
- 12.4 Help around the house
- 21.1 The way of the Jedi lawyer
- 17.9.1 The price of admission
- 17.11.1 The cross whisperer
- Perception is reality
- 1.2.1 On legal writing: Hemingway, not Faulkner
- 15.1 The pincer move
- 2.2 Help! I need somebody
- 17.13 Settlement talks – it’s not over until the foreperson sings
- 17.3 Second chair is much more than second fiddle – the role of the second seat in trial is to be present and anticipate
- 17.10 Directing the direct when your witness is not an expert
- 17.8 What the camera does not show
- 1.1.2 A Lawyer for all Seasons
- Category: Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety
- Category: Most Powerful
- Category: Most Read
- Category: News
- Category: Personal Injury